Friday, January 30, 2009

31st January

I was born on the same day few years back...I'm still bitting around the bush to understand the purpose of my life. It sounds wierd sometimes but it's the truth of life. Everyone runs behind the quest to understand the real meaning of life. Some people may agree where as other just ignore the fact.......Some people are so busy that they may not have time to think all these.

There is nothing called an coincidence in life.... everything happens because it has been written somewhere.. but who has written all these. I know there is Almighty who created everything that we see and that we cant see. But why He has created different Gods for different religions.

An Ode To My Granny

I didn't cry
Nor did I weep
When death visited you
That terrible morning.

That morning I realized
the mystery of life
you were talking
the previous night.

All my days with you
came to my sight
How can I forget you
Granny in my life.

I pray to god
to give you peace
I hope you will stay
at heaven in bliss.

Childhood Days

As a child we always wanted to grow up fast. Upgrade ourself from riding cycle to motorbike, have beard on our face and shave them everyday.......Now we realise that incomplete homework....broken toys were far better than unfulfilled dreams and broken emotions.............

I still feel like going back to the time

When "Getting High" meant "On a Swing"

When "Drinking" meant "Orange Juice"

When "DAD" was the only "Hero"

When "Love" was "Mom's Hug"

When "Dad's shoulder" was the "Highest place on earth"

When "Worst enemies" were "Siblings"

When only thing that could Hurt were "Skinned Knees"

When only thing "Broken" were "Toys"

When "Good Bye" meant "Till Tomorrow".........................